- Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 19, 2023
The International Workshop on Sustainable Chemisty will be held at May 8-11, 2023 in the Polytechnical University of Cartagena-UPCT (Murcia-Spain), as an interdisciplinary platform that offer to academic and industrial researchers a privileged environment to exchange on the latest scientific advances in the field of sustainable, green and circular chemistry, to show your recent innovations, to share on tomorrow’s scientific and technological hurdles, and to facilitate public-private and private-private partnerships.
This thematic workshop, organized by the Universities of Murcia (UMU), Jaume I (UJI), and the Polytechnical University of Cartagena (UPCT, Spain), will bring together young researcher (i.e. Master, PhD students, Postdocs, and professional of the chemical industry), and number of leading experts in the field of Sustainable Chemistry. The goal of the workshop is to disseminate novel concepts and latest trends in Sustainable Chemistry to enable a sustainable present and future by providing a comprehensive training for young scientists. Participants are encouraged to present communications for Oral and Poster communications.
Furthermore, a special issue on Sustainable Catalysis will be published in Catalysis Today (Impact Factor: 6.562, Q1, Elsevier). This journal is a serial publication dealing with topical themes in catalysis and related subjects, and is delighted to be publishing a selection of papers from IWSusChem-2023.
More information about the Workshop in: