<NEWSLETTER – August 2023>
1.- Updated list of members of the IACS Council
The updated list of delegates is available on the IACS website (http://www.iacs-catalysis.org/council.html). It includes the last received indications from Argentina and Hungary. Please, check for any additional changes necessary.
2.- Open the call for IACS 2024 Awards
It is officially open the call for nominations for the IACS 2024 Awards. All indications on the website http://www.iacs-catalysis.org/awards.html Deadline for nominations is September 30, 2023
3.- ICC 2024 Young Researcher Support for attending ICC2024
50 young researchers will be granted an amount covering the registration fee (early registration). The procedure to apply is indicated on the website http://www.iacs-catalysis.org/awards.html
4.- Open proposals for new IACS membership
Countries that like to apply to enter to IACS Council or need to revise their current application are invited to make the application in time to be discussed during the next meeting of the IACS Council in Lyon before the start of the ICC2024. Please, contact the President.
Applications should contain indications about the country’s catalysis society, the community’s organised catalysis events, statistical data on the number of catalysis researchers that attended the last ICC events, and other useful information.
5.- Open proposals for IACS Honorary Membership
6.- Open the bid for the next ICC (19ICC, in 2028)
It is open to the bid to organise the next ICC (19ICC, in 2028). The bid should be an official proposal from the country (ies) and prepared following indications given on the website http://www.iacs-catalysis.org/bid-for-next-icc.html
Catalysis Society of Japan already presented the bid for the next ICC (19ICC, in 2028).
7.- Date of the meeting of the IACS Council
The next meeting of the IACS Council will be physical in Lyon (France), on the Sunday morning before the start of ICC2024 (July 14th, 2024). Details will follow.
8.- Elections of the new Board (Executive Committee) of IACS
The election of the new Board of IACS will be during the next IACS Council meeting (Lyon – France, July 14th, 2024). Details will follow.
- ICC2024
- The organisation of the next ICC is proceeding very well, and more than 2000 scientists will likely participate. See all details on the website https://www.icc-lyon2024.fr/