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SECAT-Sin categoría-Maria Ziolek. Doctor Honoris Causa

Maria Ziolek. Doctor Honoris Causa

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On January 31, 2019, Professor Maria Ziólek, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland), has been awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science by the National University of Distance Education (UNED). The godmother of the investiture was Professor Rosa María Martín Aranda, professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University, and member of SECAT.

Maria Ziolek, with a multidisciplinary academic background, has taught a wide variety of courses in Inorganic Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. His research activity, focused on Solid State Chemistry and Catalysis, includes more than 275 scientific articles published in international scientific journals, eight patents and an active participation in international conferences. His research has focused on heterogeneous catalysis, carrying out an exhaustive study on the synthesis and characterization of zeolites and mesoporous materials and their environmental applications in organic and inorganic reactions. Ziółek was the first researcher to synthesize the material Nb-MCM-41 and discover its excellent properties for the epoxidation of olefins in the liquid phase.

Professor Ziolek has maintained a close and fruitful collaboration of more than 20 years with the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technical Chemistry of the UNED, which has allowed the preparation of numerous doctoral theses and TFMs that have deepened the better knowledge of various mesoporous materials.

His professional career is marked by a large number of awards and recognitions, among which four stand out; the Gold Cross of Civil Merit in 1993, the Polish National Medal of Education in 2003, the Restitute Order of Poland in 2013 and, very recently, in November 2018, the Franco-Polish Prize of the French Society of Chemistry, for his extensive research work in Cooperation with Universities in France.

The Spanish Society of Catalysis sends its congratulations