Who we are
The Spanish Society of Catalysis (SECAT) is a non-profit scientific society, founded in 1995, made up of more than 500 members whose activity is related to the Study, use and applications of Catalysis. SECAT aims to promote the study, scientific-technical progress and knowledge of the social impact of Catalysis.
In particular:
- 1.- To promote the scientific and technical development of the different branches of Catalysis
- 2.- To foster the union between scientists, researchers and technicians related to Catalysis
- 3.- To raise awareness of the scientific and technical potential of Catalysis, as well as its impact on the economy and quality of life
- 4.- To increase the professional knowledge of its members and to encourage their exchange
- 5.- Help attract and train young professionals interested in this R+D+i sector.
- 6.- Advising entities that request it on this scientific-technical area of the Sector.
To achieve this, SECAT promotes activities related to the study and use of catalysts and catalytic processes through:
- The organization of its Biennial Scientific Meeting of all its partners as well as Meetings and Seminars for young researchers
- Its participation in the main International Federations of Catalysis Societies (IACS, EFCATS, FISOCAT)
- The organization of International Scientific Events
- Catalysis Outreach Activities at Fairs, Exhibitions and Educational and Social Centers
- Mobility actions for trainee researchers between their Research Groups
- Grants for Introduction to Catalysis and Master's Grants for Students
- Organization of specialized seminars and schools for researchers in training
- Awards for the best Doctoral Theses presented in this scientific area
- Prizes for the best oral and poster communications presented at its Congresses