Ayudas SECAT para realización de Trabajos Fin de Máster en Catálisis -2025
SECAT convenes, on a competitive basis and in accordance with the principles of objectivity and publicity, a total of de 7 AYUDAS for the realization of MASTER'S THESIS IN CATALYSIS
They are intended for students who are pursuing a Master's Degree. The Master's Thesis will be developed in the field of Catalysis in Research Centres or University Departments, under the direction of researchers from its staff who are members of the Spanish Society of Catalysis with a minimum of three years of seniority at the time of submission of the application.
Terms and conditions of the call
- Term: will be requested from January 1 to 18 de marzo de 2025.
- Candidates: estudiantes que estén matriculados durante el curso 2024/2025 en un Máster Universitario oficial en alguna universidad española y que tengan una media en la titulación del Grado igual o superior a 7,0 (sobre 10) o nota equivalente para Grados cursados fuera de España.
- Amount and conditions:
- It will become effective after the end of the activity and after it is adequately justified (see section on obligations of the beneficiaries)
- The total amount of each aid is 1.400 € Gross.
- The aid will not be considered as salary or remuneration.
- They are incompatible with the simultaneous enjoyment of other contracts or research grants.
- Requests: by means of the form with the approval of the Director of the Master's Thesis. No more than one application per candidate and Director will be accepted. Documentation to be attached (in a single pdf file of maximum 4 MB):
1. Proof of identity document (ID card or similar).
2. Documentation proving that you are enrolled in a Master's Degree.
3. Personal academic certificate of the degree that gives access to the master's degree in which the average grade obtained must appear.
4. Applicant's Curriculum Vitae.
5. Detailed work plan (including: title, background, objectives, methodology and bibliography) with the approval of the Director of the work.
- Selection of candidates: will be carried out by a commission ad hoc proposed by the Board and ratified by the President of SECAT. The committee will draw up a proposal for the award of Aid and a complementary list of alternates in order of priority in the event of resignation or non-incorporation of the beneficiaries. The following criteria will be taken into account:
- 1. Academic record, Curriculum Vitae (up to 8 points).
- 2. Proposed work plan and adaptation of the topic to the area of Catalysis (up to 2 points).
- Obligations of beneficiaries: The acceptance of the Aid by the beneficiary implies the assumption of the conditions set out in this call. Beneficiaries will be required to:
- To carry out the proposed work for which the grant has been granted, with the authorisation of the Presidency of SECAT, which will decide in agreement with the Management of the corresponding centres, for any change of centre or Director, being necessary.
- Submit prior to the 19 de diciembre de 2025 (only extendable exceptionally, upon request/report to SECAT):
- 1. electronic copy of the Master's Thesis Report
- 2. Document accrediting the defence and qualification
- 3. descriptive report of the work carried out, with Vº. Bº. of the Director of the work and a maximum length of 500 words. The digitized report must be sent by e-mail to the SECAT secretariat. secretaria@secat.es together with the personal data and IBAN of the account where the financial aid will be made.
- Record in any publication that is a consequence of the activity carried out during the enjoyment of the grant, their status as a beneficiary of the SECAT Aid Program for the completion of Master's Thesis in Catalysis.
- Noncompliance: Failure to comply with the necessary requirements or obligations assumed as a result of the grant of the aid may lead to the extinction of the right to benefit from it or to the amendment of the decision granting it and the reimbursement of the amounts received.
- Notification and publication: The decision to grant the concession will be notified by means of publication in the web of SECAT.