- Submission of abstracts up to May 20
The Specialized Adsorption Group of the Royal Spanish Societies of Physics and Chemistry, in its General Meeting held in Gijón in 2018 entrusted the organization of the XLII Iberian Meeting of Adsorption to ITQ/CSIC – UPV. Unfortunately, the meeting initially foresawBy September 2020, the be cancelled due to the pandemic. Now, the health situation has improved markedly in Europe and, as a result, the organization of the XLII Iberian Adsorption Meeting (42 RIA).
This Meeting to be held in Valencia del 13 to 16 September Sep 2022, on the campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and will be attended by both Spanish and Portuguese speakers, as well as other Nationalities.
In this multidisciplinary forum, all aspects related to adsorption will be discussed. from the fundamentals to the final application, emphasizing its technological implications, energy and environment.This is the first time that we have been able to find a solution Thus, papers dealing with the following topics will be accepted:
- Materials: Preparation / Characterization / Modelling
- Applications: Gas Phase Adsorption / Liquid Phase Adsorption / Separation Processes / Catalytic Processes /Energy Production & Storage Processes / Pollutant Removal / Other Applications
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