The SECAT Governing Board, at its meeting on March 24, 2023, ratifies the proposal of Thesis Award 2022 which was forwarded to him by the Valuation Committee appointed for that purpose. Both the Commission and the Board wish to place on record that "the quality of the theses presented has been very high and in very diverse fields within the area of catalysis", congratulating them for this and thanking them for the work done and the interest shown in the call.
The resolution is as follows:
Considering it as the most complete candidacy, both from the point of view of scientific quality and in its formative aspect, and which stands out in both formal aspects and the quality and impact of its scientific production, the winning candidacy corresponds to:
For the Doctoral Thesis entitled
"Development of Nanostructured Electrodes by Magnetron Sputtering for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis".
developed at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, directed by the Antonio de Lucas Consuegra and Francisco Yubero Valencia, and defended on January 21, 2022, obtaining the qualification of Outstanding Laude and the mention of International Doctorate.
Congratulations to the award-winning doctor, her directors, research group and centre/university.

In the same session of the Governing Board on 24/03/2023, among the Theses competing to the SECAT awards of the years 2021 and 2022, and ratifying the proposal of a mixed committee of those of both editions, the Thesis of Ms. Ester López Fenández as a SECAT candidate to compete for the awards "2023 EFCATS best PhD thesis award"