The SECAT Governing Board, at its meeting on April 4, 2022, ratified the proposal of Thesis Award 2021 which was forwarded to him by the Valuation Committee appointed for this purpose.
The Commission and the Board would like to place on record the very high quality of all the nominations submitted and the excellent work they reflect, congratulating them on this and exceptionally awarding a Runner-up to the prize.
The resolution is as follows:
- THESIS AWARD 2021: Nieto-Sandoval Rodríguez, Julia
- ACCESSION: Choya Atencia, Andoni
Congratulations to the winners, their directors, research groups and centres/universities.
Nieto-Sandoval Rodríguez, Julia
"Application of catalytic hydrodehalogenation to water treatment"
- José Antonio Casas de Pedro
- Zahara Martínez de Pedro
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Choya Atencia, Andoni
"Co3O4-based catalysts for methane emission control in natural gas engines: from bulk catalysts to open cell foam structured catalysts"
- Rubén López Fonseca
- Beatriz de Rivas Martín
Universidad País Vasco, UPV-EHU