A scholarship is offered to carry out the Doctoral Thesis (FPI Scholarship of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) for the Project entitled "OXIDATIVE REFORMING IN THE AQUEOUS PHASE. HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM SOLUBLE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS" (Reference ENE2016-74850-R).
The project will be carried out in the group's laboratories Catalytic Technologies for Environmental Sustainability (TQSA) of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology, at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Bilbao).
Applications are due from October 3 to 18, 2017.
Those interested and who would like more information should contact: Dr. Jose Luis Ayastuy Phone: 946012619 e-mail:
More information about FPI scholarships: Ministry of Education and Science website: (Grants for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2017)
Information about the Research Group:
Brief description of the topic: The objective of the project is the design of the innovative catalytic technology, Aqueous Phase Oxidative Reforming (APOR), for the production of hydrogen from aqueous streams from biomass processes (glycerol) or from the petrochemical industry (Fischer-Tropsch aqueous waste). Aqueous reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbons is an emerging technology (since 2002). In the current state of the art, neither the hydrogen production rate nor the selectivity are high enough. One way to increase both results is to help glycerol oxidize to glyceraldehyde, co-feeding oxygen gas or hydrogen peroxide. The project will prepare and characterize nickel-based catalysts for aqueous phase oxidative reforming, both of glycerol and ethanol and propanone. The preliminary studies will be carried out with synthetic feeds, to finally treat real streams from biodiesel and petrochemical production units.