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SECAT-News-Oferta laboral-Early Stage Researcher (ESR13) position

Early Stage Researcher (ESR13) position

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Early Stage Researcher (ESR13) position ITN-Marie Skłodowska-Curie pre-doctoral contract

(Innovative Training Network)

The Fuel Conversion Group (Institute of Carbochemistry), offers a 3-year ITN-Marie Skłodowska-Curie (Innovative Training Network) pre-doctoral contract to do the Thesis on the topic "Bimetallic electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction for anion exchange membrane water electrolysis".

These contracts, financed by the European Union, require compliance with several requirements, among which the most important are:

1. Mobility: In the last three years, not having resided in Spain for more than 12 months.

2. Studies:

(a) To have completed the Degree, at most, 4 years ago.

(b) Have completed 300 ECTS credits (either by Bachelor's Degree or by Bachelor's and Master's Degree), on the date of commencement of the contract (1 October 2019).

For more information, please contact María Jesús Lázaro Elorri (

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