–term: 12-26 January 2023 –
A predoctoral contract associated with the project is offered: "DESIGN OF SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS FOR N2O Y CO2 CAPTURE AND CATALYTIC VALORIZATION". This will be framed in the call for "Grants for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2022" of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The selected person will develop their doctoral thesis at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Crystallography and Mineralogy, in a multidisciplinary environment that includes the synthesis of inorganic materials, their characterization and their application in catalysis.
- We are looking for a person with a degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering + Master's Degree (Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials, etc.) interested in actively working on the project and for the completion of the corresponding doctoral thesis.
- Good written and oral communication skills in English, motivation and the ability to work in a team are required.
Submission of applications: 12-26 January 2023 at: link AEI.2022
Principal Investigators of the project:
Antonia Infantes Molina (e-mail: ainfantes@uma.es)
Enrique Rodríguez Castellón. (e-mail: castellon@uma.es)