–term: As soon as possible –
The "Nanomaterials and Sustainable Chemical Technologies, NanoTech", of the University of Granada is looking for candidates to apply for a predoctoral contract of up to 30 months duration for the completion of a doctoral thesis.
The contract is part of a regional project and will be developed at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Granada.
The Thesis project will be focused on the development of a new generation of active and selective photo(electro)catalysts for CO conversion2 in high value-added chemicals using sunlight.
Required Experience:
- Candidates must be graduates in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or similar disciplines and must have a Master's degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related discipline. An academic record equal to or greater than 8 points will be highly valued.
- Previous experience in synthesis of compounds based on metal oxides, carbon materials, characterization techniques (STRX, (HR)TEM, XPS, etc.), metal nanoparticles and/or gas-phase environmental catalysis will be an asset, although it is not mandatory.
- The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary and international environment, so it is necessary for them to have good written and oral communication skills in English.
Por favor, envíe lo antes posible un CV detallado a:
Luisa Pastrana Martínez (e-mail: lpastrana@ugr.es), o
Francisco J. Maldonado Hódar (e-mail: fjmaldon@ugr.es)