–term: 1 April 2023 –
Predoctoral Contract at "Dispersed Atom Catalysts for CO Valorization2"
A predoctoral contract is offered to a graduate in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering or similar with a good level of academic record to work on the project financed by the State Plan of R+D entitled "Catalysts with Dispersed Atoms for CO Valorization2" to be carried out at the Institute of Catalysis and Petroleum Chemistry of the CSIC (Madrid). The contract is initially for one year with the possibility of extending for two more years.
The work will involve the preparation of photocatalysts with high specific area (oxide-oxide systems with transition metals) capable of performing reactions under thermal and/or light excitation. Materials will be characterised using advanced spectroscopic techniques and tested for their ability to remove CO2 and produce value-added compounds.
Information on the activity of the working group can be found at:
CV and complete transcript are required, as well as a Master's degree in the areas of Chemistry, Physics and/or Engineering
Interested parties can get in touch before the April 1, 2023 con:
Marcos Fernández García (e-mail: mfg@icp.csic.es) Tfno.: 915854939