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SECAT-News-Oferta laboral-PhD student contract. Institut für Materialchemie, Fachbereich/Arbeitsbereich Physikalische Chemie

PhD student contract. Institut für Materialchemie, Fachbereich/Arbeitsbereich Physikalische Chemie

  • Admin

The ClusCAT sub-group (Dr. N. Barrabés) of the Institute of Materials Chemistry (Prof. G. Rupprechter) at TU-Wien is looking for a highly motivated PhD student with a diploma/master degree in chemistry or chemical engineering. Some experience in one or more of the following areas would be appreciated: synthetic chemistry, materials science, nanoparticles, kinetics and infrared spectroscopy, EXAFS or XPS. Knowledge in Matlab and IFEFFIT data treatment would be a plus.

The contract will be for 3 years with a salary according to TU-Wien (including social security; € 1685,30 brutto; 14 times/year).

Candidates should send a letter of motivation, a CV, academic degrees and contact details of at least two referees. Please send online applications August 31th 2016
