- Extended deadline for abstract submission: 16 June 2024
In September 2024, the first iteration of the European Forum for Engineering and Catalysis Towards Sustainability (effects) will be organized as a joint endeavor between YEuCat, the Young German Catalysis Society (YounGeCatS), the NachwuchsReaktionsTechnik (NaWuReT), the Priority Program ‘DynaKat’ (SPP2080) and the Collaborative Research Center ‘TrackAct’ (CRC1441).
This event is sponsored by EFCATS, and we encourage all of the young scientists in Europe to participate.
It will take place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany), from 23-27 September 2024, and is mainly reserved for early career scientists (PhDs & PostDocs) in catalysis & reaction engineering.
The focus of the forum will be an extensive, interactive and interdisciplinary discussion on the role of catalysis and reaction engineering in progressing towards a more sustainable chemical industry. To also obtain an idea on the point of view of global players in the chemical industry on this subject, a site visit to both BASF and hte GmbH will be included in the program.
Participation is free of charge but subject to the acceptance of an abstract, with a submission deadline to 16 June 2024.
More Info: web page