The Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP) celebrates this year the 40th anniversary of its foundation as an institute of the CSIC, based on laboratories that have existed for more than 20 years. This anniversary also coincides with the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of its headquarters building on the Cantoblanco campus, where it now carries out its activity within the UAM+CSIC International Campus of Excellence.
The ICP celebrates this anniversary by developing several initiatives to which it invites colleagues, colleagues and friends to accompany them, and which include:The preparation of a special issue of the journal Catalysis Today, dedicated to this double anniversary with contributions from scientists from around the world who have or have had a close relationship with the Institute; lAn institutional event was held at the headquarters of the CSIC in Madrid (c/ Serrano, 117) on the morning of 14 October 2015, with the attendance of various personalities such as the President of the CSIC, the Rector of the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Presidents of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies and the Spanish Society of Catalysis and the Autonomous University of Madrid.A scientific conference will be held on October 15, in the auditorium of the Biology building of the Faculty of Sciences of the UAM, with the participation as lecturers of leading European scientists who are experts in various aspects of catalysis.
More detailed information on the initiatives and events organised through the anniversary celebration website