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Programme of Activities for the Promotion of Catalysis. Call for Applications 2015

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The Governing Board of the Spanish Catalysis Society, as approved at the General Meeting of the Society held in Torremolinos on June 24, 2003 and ratified by the Governing Board on December 10, 2014, launches the Programme of Activities for the Promotion of Catalysis. Call for Applications 2015

  1. Premios Tesis 2014
  2. Organization of Conferences, Courses and Activities for the promotion of Catalysis
  3. Mobility Program
  4. SECAT Scholarships for Introduction to Catalysis Research
  5. SECAT Scholarships for Master's Degree Final Projects in Catalysis

SECAT'15 Barcelona

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SECAT'15 In this link you can find all the information about the Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Catalysis Society, which we will be holding in Barcelona on the following days...Read More »SECAT'15 Barcelona