Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials Venue: University of Cadiz Date: between 17 and 21 December...Read More »TEMUCA School
Workshop on Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials Venue: University of Cadiz Date: between 17 and 21 December...Read More »TEMUCA School
Current challenges in the face of the CO2 problem Credits: 31 hours / 3.1 ECTS credits Price: students, PDI/PAS UA, UA alumni and unemployed people...Read More »Course: Current challenges in the face of the CO2 problem
Pre-Doctoral Contract Offer The University Institute of Materials of Alicante (IUMA), Advanced Materials Laboratory (LMA), of the University of Alicante offers a contract with the University of Alicante...Read More »Pre-Doctoral Contract Offer
A continuación se presenta la resolución de las Becas de Introducción a la Catálisis y las Becas Máster de la SECAT dentro del Programa de…Read More »Awarding of SECAT 2018 Activities Program Scholarships
Below is the provisional list of candidates who have obtained the Introduction to Catalysis Scholarship and the Master's Scholarship...Read More »Provisional award of SECAT 2018 Activities Program Scholarships
The professor of Inorganic Chemistry and director of the Molecular Nanotechnology Laboratory of the University of Alicante, as well as founder of the company of...Read More »Javier García, Best Entrepreneur Award from the American Chemical Society in 2018
Offer for a 18 month-post-doc position. For what purpose? Preparation of supported metal catalysts: Decomposition by cold plasma of organic agents stabilizing metal colloids...Read More »Post-Doctoral Contract Offer
Avelino Corma Canós, Professor Honoris Causa by the University of Córdoba Avelino Corma Canós, Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in the Journal of Sciences...Read More »Prof. Dr. Avelino Corma. Doctor Honoris Causa
The deadline for submitting papers to the III Meeting of Young Researchers of SECAT, to be held in Valencia next June,...Read More »Extension of the deadline for submission of contributions III Meeting of Young Researchers
Dear members, on March 6 will take place the investiture ceremony as Doctor Honoris Causa, by the University of Cordoba, of our colleague ...Read More »Prof. Dr. Avelino Corma. Doctor Honoris Causa