ICC 16, Beijing, China
From the Organizing Committee of the next International Congress on Catalysis, to be held in Beijing next year, requests that the following notification be made to...Read More »ICC 16, Beijing, China
From the Organizing Committee of the next International Congress on Catalysis, to be held in Beijing next year, requests that the following notification be made to...Read More »ICC 16, Beijing, China
Next week we will have the Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Society of Catalysis, Barcelona SECAT'15 http://www.ub.edu/secat2015/, and we hope to have many of you because...Read More »Barcelona 2015 and SECAT General Assembly
The 16th International Congress on Catalysis. July 3-8 2016, Beijing China http://www.icc2016china.com/en/ http://www.iacs-icc.org/16_ICC/Second Circular-16 ICC.pdf
Japan-Spain Joint Symposium on Heterogeneous Catalysis 21-23, June 2015. Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ). Tarragona, Spain. http://www.iciq.org/agenda/japan-spain-joint-symposium-on-heterogeneous-catalysis/
La Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT) va a financiar seis (6) ayudas para estudiantes de doctorado pertenecientes al Grupo Español de Zeolitas (GEZ) que permitan…Read More »CIS-6. GRANTS TO ATTEND THE CONGRESS
HYdrogen POwer – THeoretical and Engineering Solutions. International Symposium 2015 September 6-9th, 2015- Toledo Sapin http://www.hypothesis.ws/website/HYPOTHESIS_XI/Home.html
ICOSCAR5 International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors. June, 22-24, 2016. Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain http://icoscar5.weebly.com/ ICOSCAR5 Call for papers
On behalf of the Organization Committee of the XXIV International Materials Research Congress, we cordially invite you to submit abstracts to the Catalysis of Advanced…Read More »XXIV International Materials Research Congress
Symposium on Catalysis by Mixed Oxides 250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, August 16-20, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts The main objective of this symposium is…Read More »Symposium on Catalysis by Mixed Oxides